Guide to the California Mental Health and Addiction Rehab Landscape

C alifornia is one of the nation’s biggest states by area, very densely populated, and home to culturally and socioeconomically diverse population. California ranges from coastal beaches to snow-capped mountains to rural deserts, and it spans a large part of the western coast of the United States.

California residents battle addiction and substance abuse at rates higher than Americans in general, as 10.43 percent of Californians reported past-month illicit drug use in 2010, compared to the national average of 8.82 percent.[1] Substance abuse and mental health issues are often considered together as they commonly co-occur. About half of drug abusers nationally also suffer from a mental health disorder, for instance.[2] Both issues may fall under the behavioral health treatment umbrella of services. One out of every six residents in California is considered to have a mental health need while one out of every 20 individuals suffer from a serious mental illness that interferes with daily life functioning.[3] Just as California residents are diverse, so is the treatment for addiction and mental health within the state.

About half of drug abusers nationally also suffer from a mental health disorder

California statistics